Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Six secrets

O.k. I am copying this from Michelle.
Six secrets about myself

1.I would rather be at home doing nothing with Jim, than out having "fun" with friends, because he is my best friend.

2.I feel like I am not as good at the things I do as people think I am.

3.I have no idea how to read text abbreviations.

4.I hate that I hear my Mum's words coming out of my mouth, and now I agree with them. Makes all that fighting when I was a teenager seem like a waste of effort.

5.I love to cook but am terrible at it, if we have people over Jim does most of the cooking.

6.I am scarred of flying.


M. said...

I love your six things!! that's sweet about you wanting to stay in with Jim, honestly, it's something I wish I had. Oh, that's not good right, Ahhh... he'll never read this anyway!!! i wonder? haha.

Anyway, you probably are really good at those things but we are our own worst critics!

Also, hope the classes are going well... you should post some photos!! I'm not critical, it's all art! :)